App Store Optimisation: Top Key Metrics to Monitor

There are more than 2 million apps in the Apple App Store. That number is growing fast.

If you want to give your mobile app the best shot at success, you need to spend time perfecting your App Store listing. You also need to keep track of some important key performance indicators (KPIs) as well.

Here are the top metrics that you should follow for App Store optimisation.

Active Users

One of the main metrics that you should follow when launching an app is the number of active users. The active user count can show you a lot about the popularity of your app and how well it’s doing on the App Store. 

You can easily watch as the number of active users grows or declines. This can give you a good idea of how well your marketing activities are doing.

App Store Visibility

Another important thing to pay attention to for App Store optimization is how visible your app is in the App Store. If your app isn’t showing up for relevant searches and nobody’s coming across it in the App Store, then you’ll have a hard time getting active users and generating revenue.

There are several ways to measure discoverability in the App Store. You may want to pay attention to your app’s rankings in the top charts or in its category and determine whether it has been featured.

In addition to this, it’s a good idea to look up relevant keywords and to track which position the app appears in during a search. 

User Acquisition Cost

User acquisition cost is another metric that you should consider following when tracking the success of your app. This metric can tell you how much money it will take to get an individual user for your app based on how much you’re spending on marketing.

To get this number, you can divide your marketing budget by the number of users that you have.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Another important metric to follow is the lifetime value (LTV) of a user. 

This metric will give you an idea of the total value of each user not just for a few weeks but over the course of time. This is the gross revenue that a user has generated over a specific time period. 

By comparing LTV to your user acquisition cost, you can get a good idea of whether your marketing efforts are worth it or not. Once you’ve gathered some data, the LTV can give you a good idea about what you can expect in revenue each time you get a new user to your app. 

Conversion Rate

To optimize the App Store experience for users, it’s also good to pay attention to your app’s conversion rate. You need to measure how many people actually downloaded your app after seeing it or viewing more information about it. 

If your conversion rate is less than ideal, then you can do things to improve your app conversions. This could include improving the app title, writing a better description, adding new screenshots, getting more app reviews, and more.

Following These Metrics for App Store Optimisation

If you want to generate revenue with your app, you need to follow the KPIs listed above. Tracking metrics is a big part of App Store optimisation, so be sure that you spend some time on it.

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About the Author: admin

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