Classic Science Experiments for Children That Never Get Old

Classic Science Experiments

There are some classic science experiments for children that can be performed at home. These experiments never get old with time.

Credit: Hands On As We Grow

Here is a list of easy science experiments for kids. These science experiments for kids at home can be performed easily. You will find numerous options for fun science experiments and other engaging sessions for kids at Yellow Class

Let’s have fun with these easy science experiments:

Lava Lamp

Overview: This easy science experiment teaches kids about density. It has been a hit for ages and is the all-time favourite among kids.

Things You Need:

Clean plastic bottles (According to your choice)


Vegetable oil

Fizzing tablets (like Alka-Seltzer tablets)

Food colouring

Steps To Follow:

First, fill up one-fourth of the bottle with water and fill the remaining with vegetable oil. You can use a funnel for this purpose. After a few moments, you will watch how the oil and water separate.

Now, to this mixture, add your favourite food colouring and watch it making its way through the oil.

Break a fizzy tablet in half and drop a part into the bottle. See those beautiful bubble blobs.

If you are having a flashlight, add another part of the tablet and switch off all other lights in the room. Finally, your lava lamp is made. The flashlight shines through the lamp while the blobs keep bubbling beautifully.

What’s Happening:

Oil is less dense than water and so floats on the top. While the food colouring shares the same density as water, it mixes with the water after sinking to the bottom through the oil. A gas is formed after the tablet is dissolved in water, known as carbon dioxide.

This gas is less dense than water and it floats on the top, while the colour comes from the food colouring. As soon as the air is released from those coloured water blobs, the water gets denser and sinks.

Exploring Surface Tension (With Black Pepper)

Overview: This simple science experiment teaches young minds about surface tension. It is a foundational scientific principle that everyone loves to know.

Things Needed:

Black pepper

A bowl or plate


Liquid soap

Steps To Follow:

Fill the bowl with water up to an inch.

Now, Sprinkle the black pepper on it to cover most of the water surface. 

Take the liquid soap on any container and dip your finger in it. Finally, touch the layer of pepper and watch the magic.

What’s Happening:

The surface tension of the water is breaking away! As the water molecules stick together it creates surface tension in water.

Water is said to have high surface tension, which means the water molecules pull each other and have a strong bond between them.

When soap is added to the water, it breaks the surface tension. Because the water molecules near your finger are being pulled away by the ones further away from your finger.

Elephant Toothpaste

Overview: This science experiment keeps people astonished for minutes. It teaches kids about catalysts and exothermic reactions.

Things Needed:

16-oz plastic soda bottle

Small cup

Safety goggles

Half cup 20-volume of 6% hydrogen peroxide liquid solution.

1 tablespoon of dry yeast

3 tablespoons of warm water

Liquid dish soap

Food colouring


Put on your safety goggles to protect your skin and eyes from hydrogen peroxide. Make sure, an adult helps you to put the hydrogen peroxide into the bottle.

Now, at eight drops of food colouring into the bottle.

To this, add one tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.

Add one tablespoon of yeast with warm water in a separate cup, and mix it for 30 seconds.

No, add this mixture to the bottle. See what happens!

What’s Happening:

The east acts as a catalyst and helps to remove oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide solution. Each tiny bubble formed in the foam is full of oxygen. As the reaction happens too fast, a lot of bubbles are created.

This reaction is known as an exothermic reaction. It generated the heat in the bottle. As the phone is made of water, soap and oxygen, you can pour it down to the drain without any hesitation.

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