My cat ate a piece of plastic


Plastic products are included in the list of things to eat for many cats. In my case, every time my cat eats a piece of plastic when I put a plastic bag or open the plastic seal of a water container. In my ring two hairs of hair suddenly come out of nowhere and two pairs of eyes shine with obvious excitement on me. Plastic materials that cats love come in many different types. Plastic bags, cellophane tapes, bread bags, plastic cups, plastic chips, candy canes. And more challenging items like bands and small pieces of separate toys, to name a few.

What to do after your cat eats plastic?

Small and flexible plastic – Wait and check the litter box

If your cat has eaten a piece of plastic, the next action will depend on the type of plastic eaten. If it’s a small piece of soft plastic, you can wait and watch your cat. It takes between ten and twenty-four hours for the material to pass through the digestive tract, sometimes up to four days. You may want to call your veterinarian for advice about giving your cat laxatives. 

Or dietary fiber supplements that can help food and other consumed materials move through the stomach faster. Regularly check the litter box for traces of plastic. Usually, cats expel these small foreign bodies without complications. Remember though that waiting and watching is only a good idea when the cat seems happy. Does his usual business and shows no obvious signs of distress. Never give your cat anything that will force it to vomit. Induced vomiting, if necessary, is best left to the veterinarian.

A large piece of plastic, hard plastic – Watch out for symptoms of bowel obstruction, take to vet

If your cat has eaten a piece of soft plastic, then there is the possibility of bending that material into some type of foreign body like string, ribbon, or rubber band. The danger here is that this string-like plastic gets trapped in the base of the tongue or at the junction between the stomach and intestines. 

This can cause a blockage which, if left unresolved for a period of time, can lead to the death of parts of the digestive system. Therefore, a quick visit to the veterinarian is mandatory especially if your cat shows any of these signs of occlusion. Vomiting, loss of taste for activity and food, abdomen painful to touch, diarrhea (when an obstruction is partial). 

Or constipation (if the occlusion is complete). Just in case you see a piece of plastic hanging from your cat’s mouth or anus… Don’t shoot it!! Because its other end could be stuck further in the digestive system and pulling could cause more injuries. the cat ate a piece of plastic – cat water fountain your cat has eaten a piece of hard plastic, large or small, take the cat to the vet immediately. 

Because hard objects can cause damage to the walls of the digestive tract over time. If sores form on the walls, bacteria in the intestine can easily enter the bloodstream and cause widespread infection. The vet may take a series of X-rays to identify the location of the plastic. If it is still in the stomach, it can be removed by endoscopy only compared to when the plastic has already infiltrated the intestines. This will require surgery.

Make a veterinary consultation of the cat’s liver and kidneys, plastic products can be toxic

Regardless of whether your cat ate a piece of plastic without a blockage or had a blockage requiring medical or surgical intervention, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian to test your cat’s liver and kidneys as plastics can release chemicals toxins that can damage these two organs. Your vet can get a blood draw and do these tests. Prevention is always better than cure. These two organs will show signs of malfunctioning only when the damage is already severe enough. It will be easier to treat a problem in the liver or kidneys when it is just beginning.

Why did my cat eat a piece of plastic?

If only I could ask my two furballs directly, I would have! Different theories have been put forward as to why cats eat plastic. A bag of groceries may have a residual scent from food placed inside that cats will try to eat. Bioplastics are said to be made from vegetable fats and oils and certain animal by-products and cats can smell this odor. Perhaps it’s the crackling sound that plastic makes when Cat Chew Plastic Bags that cats find appealing. 

A plastic muncher should be taken to the vet chronically for an examination. Since dental problems and nutritional deficiencies are thought to contribute to the development of this condition. Excluding organic problems in cats, this behavior can be attributed to boredom or some form of obsessive behavior. And it works the same way with cat hydration! So don’t wait any longer before buying him a water fountain!  

How to stop a cat from eating plastic?

Cats can’t quite make the connection between “I ate a piece of plastic that’s why I don’t feel well”. So it’s up to us parents to take responsibility for keeping our cats safe and away from plastics. Keep the plastics your cats prefer to chew on safely and locked away. Note, that a few cats have been known to be able to open cabinet doors and drawers. And this, for the search for their beloved “food product”. Give the cat safe toys to distract its attention. 

And play with him to dissipate his energy and keep his mind away from plastics. You can also try making plastics unappealing to him. Do this by spraying with bitter substances (check with your vet first for what they will recommend). And hopefully, the cat will eventually form the connection between the fact that plastics taste bad and you should stay away from them.

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