The different types of dictations and their objectives

different types of dictations

Dictation is an exercise where a person reads aloud a text of which they transcribe each word. It is an adequate method to improve and master English. By doing this kind of exercise, you can work on spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. 

Types of Dictation and their purposes

Dictation can be of different forms, all of which allow you to learn grammatical rules, spellings, and syntax. For example, we have the problem of dictation words that make you think. It, therefore, takes place in an interrogative sentence where one must answer. This type of Dictation is intended as a reminder for a study session of the English language; then, there is Dictation prepared, which is considered the most effective and the most used. It allows the student what they might expect. 

Afterward, they can also talk about a fridge dictation whose text the teacher tells his students. They must place their notebooks in their lockers after the Dictation. The teacher will project the text on the board so that the pupils may notice their errors. After analyzing the text, it is removed from the board, and the notebooks are taken out to be corrected. This type of Dictation allows students to improve their visual memory.

The benefits of dictations for children

Dictation is an exercise that mainly consists of seeing your writing ability. It brings many benefits for children but even for adults. By regularly practicing this kind of exercise, they will improve their sense of listening and understanding. But the most vital determinant is to be able to optimize your writing skills. Dictation is, therefore, an excellent way of learning a language and spelling. It only requires a lot of concentration. And we must also choose a theme related to the intellectual level. All types of text can be used in a dictation, whether a journalistic article, an excerpt in a novel, poetry, or a story. It is only necessary to adapt the text chosen according to the intellectual level of the child.

Dictation optimizes oral comprehension and mastering verbs. When students practice Dictation, they will be able to deconstruct a text and analyze it word by word, thus fully understanding literary content. Dictation helps children in learning spelling for grade 1.

Other benefits of Dictation

Enhances logical reasoning

The kid identifies and repeats words that have meaning when used together and are consistent within a sentence. As a result, comprehending the semantic structure of the text improves their logical comprehension.

One of the benefits of Dictation is that it allows you to focus better

This significant effect is amplified if it is also taken with children who have concentration problems, are nervous, or are directly hyperactive. Indeed, this job necessitates the child’s total concentration and attention, and they must desist from engaging in any outside activities.

Memory is aided through Dictation

Short-term memory is also emphasized because the child must recall whole sentences that he will write later in his notebook. It is also beneficial in that the youngster learns new words due to extending his vocabulary, which will already be a component of his consciousness for future medium and long-term usage.

Reading comprehension has improved

A child’s ability to understand others improves when they have high reading comprehension. As a result, every time he learns or reads a book for pleasure, he will understand the meaning and find it simpler to absorb the principles.


Greater creativity

The more inventive the literature or, the more terms the child can learn from it, the more his creativity is sparked. And the more he imagines, the more he expands his language and his dreaming possibilities.


Simple to understand

Reading will be a crucial part of the child’s future existence. He should read all the time, at work, in class, for recreation, and so on. As a result, using dictations aids the child’s current and future growth and also to practice more children can join online spelling program.

Conclusion: Dictation’s purpose is to empower the student to master the text well. After the Dictation, the teacher makes corrections with the students so they may understand their mistakes. The children learn to self-correct. They understand that making errors is a natural part of life and corrects them without jeopardizing their safety or self-esteem.

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About the Author: Saloni

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